Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tim Sanders on CSR

Tim raises some great questions. Do you agree? What does it mean for the church? How can we have a bigger CSR? Should we be having the conversation?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Changes - Presidential Candidates feat. Bowie

This is very good.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Youth pastor resigns - an eye opener

Josh blogged about a youth pastor who had to resign over a personal failing. You can read his own blog post here. He also wrote article about his experience here. I am amazed at his honesty; especially that he is letting everyone into his internal struggle.

His honesty has sparked a reflection on my spiritual/emotional health. What I am doing to avoid temptation and stay faithful to my family and friends. Here are some of the things I do:

I meet monthly with a group of guys to share my struggles and pray.
I meet monthly with a spiritual director to keep me in tune with God's workings in my life.
I have clear boundaries for TV, movies and spending time with the opposite sex. For example, I will not ride alone with a woman.
I tell my wife everything.
I try to monitor my thought life and pay attention to my feelings.
I try to have a consistent devotional and prayer time.
I have a software-reporting program on my computer, which sends reports of my Internet activity to a friend.
I have a friend who I am completely honest with. He knows my deepest failings and struggles and I know his.

However, all of these actions could fail if I am not honest within each of them. I could lie to my friends and I could lie to God. Honesty is the key to keeping my integrity.

What is something that you do to stay in the race? Are you completely honest with at least one person in your life? Are you lying to anyone?

A simple check for integrity and your spiritual health is to monitor your lying. Once you start lying or justifying your behavior, you are on a dangerous path.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jib Jab Year in Review 2007

Here is another great video by Jib Jab to remind you of all that happened in 2007. Thanks to Reyes-Chow.

Monday, January 7, 2008

How much do you have to believe to be “Saved”?

I would like to have a dialogue on this blog about the topic, “How much does one need to believe to be saved?” (I am not comfortable judging someone’s salvation so I am trying to find a better phrase, like “Called a Christian”, or I could say, “Have right standing with God.”) I know language is important that is why I am struggling with these words.

Here is how I got here. One issue in the news is that Governor Mitt Romney, a Mormon, is running for president, I keep reading different Christian responses to his faith, and if Christians can/should vote for him. I heard him give a great speech about religion, which I felt was a positive answer to all these questions.

I also am a big fan of Glenn Beck, the radio and TV person. In fact, I listen to Glenn so much that it is like listening to a friend. Well, Glenn is a Mormon; In fact, he is the most evangelical Mormon I have ever heard. Glenn is deeply in love with Jesus (as far as I can tell from his words). As it happens when a friend shares parts of their faith with you, it leads you to think about that issue in new ways. Back to the language issue, both Glenn Beck and Governor Romney have called themselves Christians, yet acknowledge that Christians and Mormons have different doctrines.

Here is the question I am struggling with, “How much does one need to believe to be considered a Christian or have right standing with God?” or to put it another way, “what if a Mormon is very orthodox in their view of Jesus, i.e. he is the son of God, fully human and fully God, etc. could he or she be considered a Christian?” We have messianic Jews, could we have messianic Mormons?

I will put it one more way, “how much orthodox Christian doctrine does one have to believe to be considered a Christian or to have a right standing with God?”

Food for thought:
The council in Acts to decide if Gentiles need to become Jewish; the thief at the cross; the Ethiopian eunuch, the demoniac, etc.

I value the input of those who might read this blog. Let the dialogue begin.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Movies to see in 2008

Yahoo had a list of ten movies to seen this spring, with trailers. I thought I would add my own list of movies I anticipate seeing.

Veggietales - Pirates who don't do anything
Hannah Montana in 3D (I have girls that really want to see this)
Horton Hears a Who
Iron Man
Prince Caspian
Speed Racer
The Dark Knight

What is your list?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Who to vote for?

Here is a very good website that helps clarify this issues, where you stand and how you compare to the candidates. It picked the two candidates that I am considering voting for in the primary. However, I still need to decide between the two of them.

Thanks to Jim for posting this on his blog.

Classic warning signs of an abuser

I read this in Dear Abbey (yes, I do read Dear Abbey) and I thought it was really helpful.

Classic Warning Signs of an Abuser
1. Pushes for quick involvement
2. Jealous
3. Controlling
4. Unrealistic expectations
5. Isolation – tries to cut you off from your friends and family
6. Blames others for problems or mistakes
7. Makes others responsible for his or her feelings
8. Hypersensitivity
9. Cruelty to animals or children
10. “Playful” use of force
11. Verbal abuse
12. Rigid gender roles
13. Sudden mood swings
14. Past battering
15. Threats of violence

If you or your significant other has the majority of these signs, talk to someone today.

How Much is My Blog Worth?

Thanks to Josh for this fun item.

My blog is worth $564.54.
How much is your blog worth?