I have not been blogging much because I have been focused on finishing my dissertation. My deadline is April 15 to have everything completed. Soon, I will give a more complete update on my progress.
However, it has not been all work, no play. Wednesday night (3/19), my son and I went to the Philadelphia Sixers basketball game with his basketball league,
Upwards. There were about 200 kids from the league that attended the game. Here are some pictures:

Andrew in our seats

View from our seats
After the game, Upwards had arranged for Willie Green from the Sixers to address the kids. He shared his testimony with everyone. Then we had 45 minutes to play on the court. Also, Andrew and I made the local news, in the background as the sportscaster described the game.

Willie Green

Andrew at Center Court
Oh yeah, the Sixers won 115 to 113 over the Denver Nuggets.