Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dissertation update

Here is the latest update on my dissertation. I have passed my proposal defense, which means my committee approved my first three chapters, with only minor revisions. I am now collecting data and hope to write my final two chapters in the coming weeks. My deadline for completion is April 15. This will allow me to participate in commencement, May 9 and 10, 2008. I am praying for a miracle.

Here is some useless data from my proposal:
It is 71 pages long with appendices. It contains 17,973 words. I have spent roughly 8623 minutes working on it at my computer, which is about 143 hours. This does not include research time or writing away from my computer.

Please pray for me to finish everything by April 15. Thanks.

Monday, March 24, 2008

How Many of Me

Here is a fun website about names in the USA. Here is my name - David Winner

LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

The rest of my family:
Dena = 1 in the USA
Rebecca = 14 in the USA
Catherine = 12 in the USA
Andrew = 17 in the USA

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sixers Game

I have not been blogging much because I have been focused on finishing my dissertation. My deadline is April 15 to have everything completed. Soon, I will give a more complete update on my progress.

However, it has not been all work, no play. Wednesday night (3/19), my son and I went to the Philadelphia Sixers basketball game with his basketball league, Upwards. There were about 200 kids from the league that attended the game. Here are some pictures:

Andrew in our seats

View from our seats

After the game, Upwards had arranged for Willie Green from the Sixers to address the kids. He shared his testimony with everyone. Then we had 45 minutes to play on the court. Also, Andrew and I made the local news, in the background as the sportscaster described the game.

Willie Green

Andrew at Center Court

Oh yeah, the Sixers won 115 to 113 over the Denver Nuggets.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Holy Week

Here are some amazing thoughts on Holy Week from Ben Witherington. He writes:
A crucial part of the entire story is the story of the Last Supper, involving a meal that likely transpired on Thursday night before Good Friday. The later Christian celebration of this night came to be called Mandatum, and then Maundy (for short) Thursday. Mandatum is the Latin for mandate, or commandment. The ‘mandate’ in question comes from the Johannine account of things--- ‘a new commandment I give you, that you should love one another’. This is where the name of the day ultimately derives from.

How should we celebrate this most holy of all church seasons? One way historically the church has done so is by fasting. And one way to do that is to follow the line of the story. Jesus at the last supper in essence says about the cup he was partaking of after the meal “I shall not drink it again, until I drink it new in the Kingdom”. I have followed this lead by fasting from Thursday night until Sunday morning, rising early for an Easter breakfast. I tend to do a solid food fast, though some do without beverages or even everything during this period. What is the point?

The point is to force yourself to slow down, and focus on the story of what happened at the end of Holy Week, and what Christ has done for you. Instead of eating, you spend the hour (or however long) praying, or reading the story, or going on a spiritual walk, or the like. When you get hungry, you simply drink water. By Friday night you will go to bed hungry, and by Saturday night you may well need some Advil to go to bed. But this spiritual discipline will remind you of the things that Jesus went through to bring us redemption. It will remind you of his last meal, because you have had your last one for a while. It will remind you that you are called to die to self and live to the Lord. As Paul puts it—“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Are you ready to take up your cross and follow the Master? One of the benefits is that as Paul says in Phil. 4, you learn how to be content, and to live without, as well as to live with. It reminds you of your mortality, but also of your fragility. This body keeps needing air, food, water to prop it up day after day. It reminds us of those who often go without these basic necessities many days of the year. It reminds us to pray “give us this day….”

How do you celebrate Maundy Thursday? At Grace, we have a sacrificial supper (bread, water and soup) and a service. I am intrigued by the idea of fasting for the weekend. I will be pondering how to slow down this weekend and "hear" the voice of the Lord.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Thanks to Josh for this improv video.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Derren Brown - Subliminal Advertising

Testing to see if I can post to my blog again.
Please forgive multiply posts.

Derren Brown - Subliminal Advertising

Another amazing video

Derren Brown NLP

I think I posted this already. If not, here it is again.

Derren Brown NLP

This is an amazing video - freaky. Do you think you would fall for it?

Another Dennis Brown

Here is another great Dennis Brown video. Would you fall for it?

How well do you pay attention?

Dennis Brown

I have recently discovered Dennis Brown's videos at youtube. He is a magician/street artist/showman. He is fabulous. Here is one of his videos. (I tried posting this directly from youtube, but it has not worked. If it appears multiple times on this blog, it did work.)

Imagine what you could do with your friends.

Amazon Reviewers

Here is an interesting story about the reviewers at Amazon. Here is the key point:
Like celebrity bloggers and Wikipedia "Gnomes," then, the Top Amazon Reviewer heralds the arrival of a curious hybrid: part customer, part employee. This feels like a loss. But perhaps it means that in the coming age, every writer will be a salesman: up past dark, sifting through the data stream for evidence that somewhere, some honest soul is buying.

Read the whole article here.

I always assumed that the reviews of Amazon were done from helpful readers, not necessarily the work of professionals. What do you think?