The few that read this blog may not know I am getting a PhD in Organizational Leadership with a major in Human Resource Development from Regent University. The basic structure of this program is 2 1/2-years of class work. Then you have to pass 4 comprehensive exams (topics are - Individual/Follower, Group/Organization, Dimensions of Leadership and a Research Question). After you pass all four, you can start your dissertation. The whole process takes between 3 1/2 to 7 years.
As I study for my last PhD exam (Dimensions of Leadership). I thought it would be fun to put some of the names I am memorizing into my blog. No guarantee that I will remember the theory that goes with each name(year).
Gilley, Eggland and Gilley (89)
Swanson and Holton (01)
Bandura (86, 97)
Stacey (01)
Bowen (75)
Maslow (54)
Alderfer (72)
Herzberg (59)
Vroom (64)
Adams (63)
House and Mitchell (74)
Lock (68)
Fishbein and Azjen (67)
Vaill (96)
Lewin (51)
Argyris (70)
Miles and Snow (78)
Invancevich and Matteson (02)
French and Raven (59)
Deutch and Coleman (00)
Ellis and Fisher (74)
Dunnette (76)
Dunn and Dunn (03)
Houle (61)
Knowles (78)
Brookfield (86)
Grow (91)
Confessore and Park (04)
Brooks and Brooks (99)
Merriam and Caffarella (99)
Dewey (16)
Valentine and Darkenwald (90)
Morstain and Smart (74)
Harvey (88)
Janis (72)
Davis (53)
Stewart, Manz and Sims (99)
Meyer (04)
Tuckman (65)
Wood (92)
Thompson (67)
Vroom and Drago (88)
Heifetz (94)
Gladwell (00, 03)
Baird and Weinberg (77)
Bennis (97)
Bass and Avolio (99)
Burns (78)
Greenleaf (77)
Heider (58)
McGregor (60)
House (76)
Hersey and Blanchard (69)
Fiedler (64)
Chaleff (95)
Depree (87)
Patterson (03)
Graem and Cashman (75)
Kouzes and Posner (02)
Bernerth (04)
Weisbord (78)
Morgan (97)
Burton and Obel (04)
Weick (69, 79)
Senge (90)
Littlejohn and Foss (05)
Eisenburg and Goodall (04)
Craig (99)
Hofstede (93)
Marquart and Engel (93)
Schein (92)
Niebuhr (51)
Yukl (02)
Ohio State Studies
Michigan Studies
Blake and Mouton (64)
Vroom and Yetton (73)
Spreitzer (95)
Green and Mitchell (79)
Wortman and Linsenmeirer (77)
Manz and Sims (80)
Jacobs (70)
Hickson (71)
Stodgill (74)
Johnson (97)
Handy (78)
Rogers (48)
Wlodowski (85)
Northouse (04)
Kotter (90)
Collins (01, 05)
Schnieder (87)
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