I am in the middle of two theological email conversations. I love this stuff. I love talking theology and applying it to our lives. I am honored that someone would ask me these questions and even want my opinion. Here are the 2 questions I have been asked. All names and details have been changed to protect the innocent.
1. Can Christian use pot? If God created this earth then he created pot as well. Therefore, why is it wrong to use it? Besides, when this person smokes pot, he/she enjoys it and feels that it is right. If it "feels" right to him/her than why shouldn't he/she do it?
2. We operate on the assumption that God is omnipotent, if so he would be capable of seeing the results of our behaviors before they even happen. Would this not mean that he already knows which of his children will turn from him and which will believe? Why then bother if he already knows his effort will be in vain? I appreciate God's undying love for us, but is that all there is to it? I mean, it would be maddening to go through all that effort even though you know from square one that it won't do any good.
Also, what is the role of pain in life? Is pain and misfortune simply a necessary side-effect of the free-will God has given us or does it serve a direct purpose (i.e. punishment from God, or a tool used by him for our instruction)?
I am still working on my answers, so I look forward to how you would answer them, it may help me as I try to formulate my responses.
1. Ok, so we just disregard the laws of the land? Jesus obeyed the law of the Romans and paid his taxes.
2. He doesn't give up because of his love for us. He continues to stand at the door and knock, perhaps so that we will have no excuse at the judgment? We should be careful to avoid projecting our human frailties onto God; remember we are just created in his image.
Just my $0.02 off the cuff.
L4ou (The "4" is Silent) Hornberger
Thanks Lou, now you need to start blogging more :)
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