Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Wow, what a November! Here is a brief summary of my last month. It started with my wife’s grandmother passing away on Nov.7. Then on Nov. 8, my senior pastor received a kidney transplant and went on medical leave for two months. Two weeks flew by with funeral activities and visits to the hospital. I also preached on November 18. I may post my outline of the sermon.

Everything finally slowed down and we took a week vacation. The trip included New York City for the Radio City Music Hall 75th Anniversary show starring the Rockettes, visiting my brother and being part of the 3 million people to line the streets of New York to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade. After all that fun, we spent the next few days in Lancaster with my wife’s family. Here are some pictures.

Last weekend, I was on retreat with our senior high teens. We joined with two other churches for a great weekend of fun and faith. I will post pictures on our groups Facebook page.

So now, I am finally caught up and back to focusing on my dissertation. I lost a whole month, but with God’s help, I can still reach my goal of graduation next year.

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