Thursday, January 8, 2009

Stuck in a moment I can't get out of

Why I have not been blogging?

Good question, I wish I had a good answer. Here are some of my thoughts. I am stuck in a moment I can't get out of to borrow a line from U2. Since I completed my dissertation, I have been on a journey with God. This has been a very personal journey and not one I can share in this blog, but it has been taking up most of my creative energy. Since I am still on this journey, I will be disconnecting this blog from my facebook page. I want to make this blog more private and keeping it linked to facebook will defeat that purpose. I am also wrestling with deleting the blog all-together. Maybe it has served its purpose. Maybe, I have nothing left to share or maybe I want to share more through my twitter and less in blog posts. Twitter has replaced a lot of my blogging, because all the mundane things I used to blog about, I now Twitter. Blogging seems to be a place for deeper thoughts and right now, I am not having many deep thoughts. All of this is to try and explain why I have not been blogging. I wish I had a better answer. Maybe if I have time, I will share some of the books that are speaking to me on this journey with God. I have read some good ones.

Thanks for reading (to the 3 people who have read my thoughts before).

Here is the U2 video:

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