Monday, June 18, 2007

SexGod Review

Last month I finished the new book by Rob Bell. (Full disclosure, I like Rob Bell and I listen to his sermons every week on iTunes.) It is called SexGod. I thought it was wonderful. I enjoy this writing style and he never fails to provoke new thoughts and insights. Chapter 6 was my favorite. It is a chapter I will encourage couples to read when I do premarital counseling. Here is a good quote:

But sex is not the search for something that’s missing. It’s the expression of something that’s been found. It’s designed to be the overflow, the culmination of something that a man and a woman have found in each other. It’s a celebration of this living, breathing thing that’s happening between the two of them. (p. 123)

I also enjoy the endnotes. Do not skip them. They are worth reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I surfed onto your blog through techorati. I posted today about Rob bell and his new speaking tour. Did you go to Everything is Spiritual? If so do your remember the correlation in content between his sermons and the tour? Let me know what you think.