Friday, February 1, 2008

Dissertation takes over my life

Well, I have not been blogging much lately because I am focusing on finishing my dissertation so I can graduate in May 2008. I had a wonderful fall, but it was too good because I fell about 2 months behind in my schedule for the dissertation. So I am now playing catch up.

Here is a status update - I have finished chapter 1 & 2 (more revisions may be needed) and I am working on chapter 3. I hope to finish chapter 3 in the next week or so. Then I have to defend my proposal (first three chapters). Once I pass that, I am allowed to conduct my research. It should take about 3-4 weeks to complete my research. After that, I can do statistical tests on my data, write up chapter 4 (my results) then proceed to chapter five (conclusions and future research). I hope to finish all of this by April 1, which would give me time for revisions, and time to defend my dissertation. The whole process must be completed by late April.

I am walking by faith because I have reserved my rooms at graduation, and requested vacation. I am about to order my robes and my framed diploma. I can't believe after 4 year I am nearing the end of this journey. I will reflect on all that I learned through this adventure in future blog posts. I may also update you the details of my dissertation as I complete more of it.

I would ask that you would keep me in your prayers. It is only by God's grace that I have walked this far, and it is only by His grace that I will finish.


Anonymous said...

You've got my prayers, Dave. Your post reminds me of a few papers written that I helped proofread and type...remember? It was a joy to pray you through those years, and it will be a joy to see this come to full fruition in your life in your PhD. We're cheering you on!!

You are loved -- be blessed.

W. David Winner said...

Thanks Julie - I appreciate all prayers.

I do remember all your help in getting me through high school.