Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hermeneutics Quiz

Scot McKnight and Leadership Magazine have developed an online Hermeneutics Quiz. Here is the introduction:
The Hermeneutics Quiz ran in the winter issue of Leadership Journal, and the response has been strong. We're excited to now give you the opportunity to take the quiz online for the first time. The survey is 20 multiple-choice questions designed to reveal how we read, or fail to read, our Bible. It then plots your score on a scale between conservative, moderate, and progressive. You may be surprised at how you rank, or the inconsistent way you interpret the text. Have fun!

Take it here and see where you are on the scale. My score was 51, which is were I guessed I would be.


Anonymous said...

mine was a 74...not a surprise

Anonymous said...

I was a 53, labeled as "moderate". I went back and looked, 52 was "conservative". Pretty much what I expected.

W. David Winner said...

thanks for posting. It is good to know the survey puts us where we think we belong.